Are you a parent who’s feeling:

  • Low in confidence?

  • Isolated?

  • Overwhelmed?

Do you:

  • Find it hard to make ends meet?

  • Want to find flexible, family friendly employment?

  • Want to increase your hours/pay, if you’re in low paid employment?

  • Struggle to find affordable childcare?

You are not alone.

Working for Families can help.

If you are a parent living in North Lanarkshire, we have a dedicated team who provide free, confidential support to help you to start a new chapter, increase your household income, provide funding for and advice about childcare, support you to improve your own wellbeing and learn new skills.

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Increase your household income

Do you struggle to make ends meet?

With the cost-of-living crisis continuing, we know how hard it can be to make ends meet, whether you are in employment or out of work.

We have a dedicated team of advisers who can support you to maximise your household income whether you are in work or out of work.

We can also advise you whether you would be better off in employment by doing a better off in work calculation.

Advice and funding for childcare

Do you find it difficult to find affordable childcare to meet your needs?

Are you struggling to afford childcare if you are thinking of returning to work?

We have a team of childcare key workers who will support you to find childcare that best meets your needs, whether you are entering employment or looking to undertake some training, there may also be funding available to bridge the gap of your first wage.

Improve your wellbeing and learn new skills

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed, a bit isolated and lack confidence to take the next steps either into employment or to learn new skills?

We have lots of different support available that will help you to take the first steps to improve your confidence, a dedicated caseworker can talk you through the options.

Flexible, family friendly employment

We work with lots of employers in North Lanarkshire who offer jobs that are flexible and family friendly, we can even speak to an employer you may be interested in working with.

Increase your hours / pay

Do you already have a job, but would like to increase your hours or think that you could be offered better pay?

Our caseworkers can support you to do this, either in your current job or by finding a better suited job, it may not be as difficult as you think.

Success Stories


I registered with Working for Families to get support with my mental health. My caseworker helped me access life coaching sessions to help me deal with some unprocessed trauma from when I was young.

These sessions really helped me identify areas in my life that needed to change for me to be able to move forward. I now feel I have the necessary tools and mindset and can start to focus on looking for work and potentially provide a better life for myself and family.  I’m now much happier, with a more positive outlook.


I’m a parent looking to return to work. I worked in the property industry for eight years. I met with my caseworker and we discussed different options, including training to keep my skills up to date. I ended up choosing to do a level 6 qualification in housing.

I’m really enjoying the course and I’m excited about the future. My caseworker believed in me and without her support I wouldn’t have had the confidence to do this.


I was out of work for 13 years as I had been a full-time mum to my four children. I was apprehensive and low in confidence. I met with my caseworker who gave me advice, guidance, and support with my CV, interview skills and childcare.

I didn’t think I’d be able to afford childcare as I knew private nurseries were really expensive. I also had a meeting with a welfare rights officer who took away any fears I had about working and affording childcare. I ended up getting a job which I’m starting soon.



After a work injury, I had to pause my career. I reached out to Working for Families because I wanted support to pursue my dream job in driving and obtaining my HGV license.

After discussing with my caseworker, we both agreed that a bus driving role would be more suited to my needs. With her help and support, I contacted various employers and received a job offer dependent on having a PVC license. Lacking the money for training, my caseworker secured funding and now I’m on track to obtain the license.

Excited for the future and knowing I will be able to provide for my family with a secure income – I am feeling rejuvenated after a period of low mood.


As a separated mum of three, returning to work post-maternity became challenging with reduced hours and a change of location. Feeling overwhelmed, I sought help from Working for Families to get my CV updated and with interview preparation. Nervous about an upcoming interview, I lacked confidence.

My caseworker provided valuable support with my CV and interview practice and even helped me with choosing a suitable outfit. My interview went smoothly which boosted my confidence – not just professionally, but personally too. I’ve now secured a really good job and I can’t thank my caseworker enough for their help and support.

Tailored Support

The North Lanarkshire Employability Grant Programmes are delivered in partnership with local employability providers with the aim of supporting families to become better off by helping parents to move towards and into work, or progress into higher paid employment.

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